I've been working a lot on both knitting and the upcoming festivals. There's this terrific Celtic vendor who makes the cutest of fairy-related items,
http://www.faerieworks.biz/ and she and I have been corresponding on how we could incorporate her wares into the fiber festival. I recently asked her if she would considering making fiber-related wine bottle stoppers, e.g. sheep, balls of yarn or alpaca as toppers for the cork. She also makes these adorable signs and I was describing some knitting catchphrases that would be fun on signs, e.g. "Sheep Happens," "Yarn Pirate," "KnitWit" et cetera. And then, it occurred to me. I like Jerry Lee Lewis. Thirteen year old wives aside, he is an amazing musician and his songs have always moved me. Like a lightening bolt, my new blog sub-title was born, "Goodness! Gracious! Great Balls of Fiber."
I explained to Jen at Faerieworks that if she made me a sign like that, I'd buy it in an
instant, so here's hoping.... LOL
The finished blue-based Baby Butterfly Wrap using my Noro look-alike, Universal Classic Shades, along with a dusty blue skein of Vanna White.
A beret for my four year old second cousin, Hannah.
And my first Jester hat (for Wyatt, another second cousin & a total clown of a boy).